Friday, October 2, 2015

Daun Sirih (piper betel)

Betel is a native plant that grows vines Indonesia or leaning on another tree. As the culture of leaves and fruit are commonly chewed with gambier, areca nut, tobacco and lime. But chewing betel has been linked to cancers of the mouth and the formation of squamous cell carcinoma that are malignant. Also chalk mebuat shrinkage of the gums (periodentitis) that can make the tooth, although betel leaves contain an antiseptic to prevent cavities.
Betel is used as a medicinal plant (phytopharmaca); very important role in the life and various ceremonies Malay. In Indonesia, betel is a typical flora of the province of Riau Islands. Riau Islands society upholds the culture of eating betel ceremony especially during ceremonies welcoming guests and use betel as a cure various kinds of diseases. Nevertheless, many betel plant found throughout Indonesia, exploited or simply as an ornamental plant.At this time information.

I will discuss the benefits of green betel leaf. Betel leaf green contains very much at all for the health and beauty of the face, because the betel leaf green contains kavibetol, kavicol, estragol, hidrosikavicol, essential oils, phenyl propane, allylpyrokatekol, caryophyllene, cyneole, cadinene, diastase, tannin, starch, sesquiterpene, terpennene and sugar. These substances that make the betel leaf is very beneficial for health and beauty.
There are 3 types of betel leaves are green betel, red betel and betel black. Of the three types of green and red betel betel-known in the community to be used as herbs. Betel plant on their natural habitat can be found in rural areas among the trees, these plants grow vines. Because the color is good, is now widely used as a betel leaf as ornamental plants in the yard of their house, and thus has two functions, namely for decoration as well as traditional medicine.
  1. Cure Asthma
  2. You have children and often have symptoms of asthma? Asthma is a type of disease that is very troublesome, though not the kind of diseases that are chronic, such as diabetes and heart disease. Asthma alone will cause effects and symptoms very disturbing activities, such as:
    • Out of breath
    • Difficult to perform strenuous activities in the long term
    • Breath was short and tersenggal - senggal
    Well, for those of you who often experience and feel the symptoms of asthma, you can take advantage of betel leaf, betel leaf decoction especially for mengaatasi symptoms - symptoms due to asthma.

    How to cultivate betel leaves to treat the symptoms of asthma?
    Here are the steps - steps you can do to treat the symptoms of asthma:
    • Take 4-5 betel leaves
    • Boil the betel leaf by using 2 cups water to boil and the remaining 1 cup water alone
    • Drink the stew on a regular basis, about - about 2-3 times a day, either when asthma symptoms appear, or not.

  3. Cure Strep Throat
  4. Strep throat is almost similar to asthma. Although it is not a chronic disease, but strep throat have symptoms - symptoms that are very annoying and very frustrating. Well, you can make a stew from betel leaves, in a manner identical to the treatment of asthma, but the drink boiled water only when he felt a sore throat alone. Water decoction of betel leaf can relieve your throat and relieve symptoms of sore throat, such as:
    • The voice that was hoarse
    • Coughs
    • The pain when swallowing
    • difficulty speaking

  5. Treating Pain and Irritation of the Eyes
  6. Benefits of the next series of leaf decoction is to treat irritation of the eyes and reduce pain. Mata is one of the organs most often and most prone to infection and inflammation. This is because the eyes are often open and a lot of allergens and pollutants that can cause irritation to the eyes, which makes the eyes:
    Piccture by Google Image

    • Itch
    • Coloured Red
    • Sore and pain
    When eye irritation occur, and regular eye drops can not be diandalkann to heal, then you can try using betel leaf decoction to relieve the symptoms of eye irritation.
    How to?
    Here is a step - a step in the process of betel leaf in order to treat irritation and pain in the eye:
    • Take 1-2 betel leaves
    • Boil betel leaves to boiling with ½ - 1 cup water
    • Wait until the water was cold and it was not hot
    • Drop leaf decoction series to the eye, or you can also use boiled water betel to compress your eyes.
    Maintain Eye Health
    Currency Risk Meminilasir Damaged Eyes

  7. Launch Period(menstruation)
  8. For those of you women who often have problems when menstruation or menstruation, and you do not like with herbs - herb katana can launch period, you can try taking a decoction of the betel leaf. This tertbukti, because the product of drug - drugs on the market also contain ekstark betel.
    Here are the steps - steps boil betel leaf:
    • Take 3-5 betel leaves
    • Boil betel leaves to boiling
    • Wait and let stand until not too hot, and drinking during menstruation or menstrual period.

  9. Treat canker sores and sore gums
  10. Actually, to treat canker sores and sore gums, you can chew the betel leaf directly. But when you feel disgusted with betel leaves are chewed directly, then you can try another alternative, by rinsing using a decoction of the leaves sirih.Langkah - the same steps as the way number 5, gargle when you feel thrush, due to betel leaves contain vitamins which can help speed the healing of canker sores.

  11. Can be used as a drug to treat dengue
  12. The trick is to boil five betel leaves with a plus 2 cups of water and boil until the remaining 1 cup. Then water betel leaf decoction is drunk regularly 2 times a day. To prevent mosquito bites dengue way is by mashing betel leaves until smooth, then apply on the body that are not protected. Then the mosquitoes causing dengue fever is guaranteed would not dare bite.

  13. Can relieve the itching of the skin
  14. The trick is to pound the green betel leaves until smooth and then apply on the skin that experience itching. Within a few moments of itching will gradually disappear.eggplant for skin

  15. Can Treat Toothache and Swollen Gums
  16. The trick is to chew betel leaf green one sheet and let stand a few moments about 10-15 minutes. Then clean by means of rinsing with warm water, do this treatment regularly and dental pain and the swelling was gradually will recover.

  17. Can overcome white

  18. Piccture by Google Image
    The trick is to boil some betel leaves and then boiled water taken regularly every day and you can also basuhkan to miss V.

  19. Can prevent and eliminate stubborn acne

  20. Piccture by Google Image

    The way is the same as the above by applying to the face with acne and let stand for 1 hour. Afterwards rinse with warm water.
    Treating Acne

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