Saturday, October 3, 2015

Recovering from Cough

A cough (About this sound pronunciation (help·info) Latin: tussis) is a sudden and often repetitively occurring reflex which helps to clear the large breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles and microbes. The cough reflex consists of three phases: an inhalation, a forced exhalation against a closed glottis, and a violent release of air from the lungs following opening of the glottis, usually accompanied by a distinctive sound.Coughing is either voluntary or involuntary. Frequent coughing usually indicates the presence of a disease. Many viruses and bacteria benefit evolutionarily by causing the host to cough, which helps to spread the disease to new hosts. Most of the time, irregular coughing is caused by a respiratory tract infection but can also be triggered by choking, smoking, air pollution,asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease, post-nasal drip, chronic bronchitis, lung tumors, heart failure and medications such as ACE inhibitors. Treatment should target the cause; for example, smoking cessation or discontinuing ACE inhibitors. Cough suppressants such as codeine or dextromethorphan are frequently prescribed, but have been demonstrated to have little effect. Other treatment options may target airway inflammation or may promote mucus expectoration. As it is a natural protective reflex, suppressing the cough reflex might have damaging effects, especially if the cough is productive. (

Causes of cough with phlegm Buddy knows not, it turns out one of the causes of cough with phlegm is caused by inflammation, or inflammation of the airways. Respiratory inflammation but can also trigger a dry cough / phlegm not. Cough with phlegm caused by problems in the upper respiratory tract. There are 5 things that can be the cause of cough with phlegm among which:
  1. Inflammation (inflammation) Respiratory
  2. The first cause of cough with phlegm is due to respiratory inflammation that can lead to a productive cough and cough with phlegm.
  3. Smoke, fumes and Pollution
  4. Productive cough can also be caused by cigarette smoke, fumes and pollution, therefore, put away the smoke from around your residence. If you want to get out of the house, always wear a mask.
  5. In Respiratory Infections
  6. Further the cause is due to an infection of the respiratory tract caused by bad bacteria or viruses
  7. Flu excessive
  8. Excessive flu is one reason why you bisaterkena disease cough with phlegm. To reduce your cough, you can keep your body warm.
  9. Increased Gastric acid
  10. Although in most cases are rare, but in fact increased gastric acid can trigger the occurrence of cough with phlegm stubborn

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Dry Cough Causes No Phlegm
Meruakan cough disease that often we think is trivial, but did you know it turns cough can also cause a dangerous disease. Especially dry cough, which can cause the throat to bleed. You do not want it this happens to you? for that let's find out what the hell causes it? The following does not cause a dry cough with phlegm:
  1. Respiratory Infections
  2. If you suffer from infections of the respiratory tract, usually you will experience a dry cough no phlegm. Dry cough may last for about 2 weeks. But if the pain persists, you should immediately consult a specialist in their field.
  3. Increased gastric acid and Acid Reflux
  4. This can happen when you eat spicy foods that can be a cause of the increased amount of stomach acid in the body. So that stomach acid up into the throat.
  5. Serious diseases / dangerous
  6. Coughing can also be caused by some kind of serious illnesses such as pneumonia, or even cancer.
  7. Side effects Drugs
  8. Did you know, it turns out some drugs can also cause side effects that may cause dry cough. Because most of its drugs to control blood pressure which can be one of the things that cause dry cough.
  9. Allergic reaction
  10. One cause a dry cough due to allergy, which causes itchy red eyes or throat irritation and cause a dry cough. To stop coughing due to allergies, you should be able to find the cause of allergies in advance, so that you can treat dry cough

But for dry cough with phlegm and did not reappear after treated, you should have to do the following in order to cause the appearance of cough with phlegm and dry can be avoided.
  • Immediately stay away from dusty and dirty. You should also be moved from a cold place because immunity is declining so that the disease can more easily come.
  • Keep the body condition is always warm. You can use a jacket, a scarf or a blanket to ward off the cold on the body.
  • Do not shower using water that is too cold, try to shower with warm water so that body condition is always awake.
  • Special for to you who smoke cigarettes, stop smoking for good. Because cigarettes have proven harmful to health in the long term. If initially you cough, it could be dangerous diseases will attack your body later.
  • Lebih either multiply the break. When pain include coughing attack, not too much work so that the condition of the body decreases. Rest and do not do activities that could make the resistance decreases.
  • Fully body fluid intake by drinking lots of water. Drink water at least 7 to 8 glasses every day.

After you undergo some of the tips above. Now the next step is to treat the cough itself. In the treatment of cough known traditional treatments that are proven effective. In fact, you do not need to buy these natural cough medicine because it can be found around the house with ease. In addition the use of a natural remedy for treating coughs also safer for children. Any natural herb that is useful for treating dry cough and cough with phlegm? Listen below.
  1. Betel leaves and ginger
  2. We have known dau betel as a natural ingredient that has millions of benefits. The benefits that we can get that to treat a cough that attack. To cure the problem of cough with phlegm, use the herb lemon combined with ginger. Boil betel leaves with water, then insert the piece of ginger in boiling water lemon. After that, take this medicine have experienced at least 1 times a day.
  3. Lemon, honey and soy sauce
  4. In addition danjahe betel leaf, natural cough medicine can also be made using lime juice, soy sauce and honey. This natural herb has been known benefits to treat a cough for a long time. How to use, provide a lime fruit. Then cut the lemon into 2 parts and squeeze the juice. Combine the soy sauce and honey drink 2 to 3 times a day.
  5. Herb ginger and kencur
  6. Ginger can also be combined with kencur for the treatment of cough with phlegm and a dry cough. Ginger contains anti-bacterial agent that is effective enough to overcome cough attack. Make dankencur herb ginger juice and drink 3 times a day. Rock you suffered will be healed with this natural remedy.
  7. Basil leave
  8. Basil is one of the herbs commonly used as a spice in cooking. Basil also has a distinctive aroma and warm. Basil has many benefits one of which is to treat coughs. Way of processing that is, provide 5-7 basil leaves, then boiled in 1-2 glasses of water, strain the cooking water from the basil leaves and drink the water decoction of basil is a minimum 1x / day until your cough completely healed
  9. Starfruit
  10. Provide 5-10 wuluh blimbing fruit, then wash and puree using a blender. Furthermore mix with 1 cup cooking water and a little salt. Then squeeze and strain the mixture of fruit starfruit and drink 2 times a day every morning and evening until your cough cured.
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  11. Roses
  12. In addition to beautiful, it is also efficacious for treating coughs. easy way, take fresh roses approximately ten grams, then the team with water and add rock sugar to taste. Drink twice a day, until your cough is reduced and recovered.
  13. The mixture Tea and Ginger
  14. If for tea and ginger may you all already know the benefits. Besides tasty, tea and ginger also has many benefits, one of which is as a cure cough. To do that, allow 1 finger ginger tea and a glass of warm / somewhat hot. After that wash ginger and iris2, then mix with tea brewed with hot water / heat somewhat earlier. After that drink 2x / day.

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